تلعب الضمائر الفاعلية (Subject Pronouns) والمفعولية (Object Pronouns) دورًا مهمًا في بناء الجمل وتوضيح المعاني في اللغة الإنجليزية. تهدف
هذه الأسئلة التدريبية إلى تعزيز فهمك واستخدامك الصحيح لهذه الضمائر في مختلف
السياقات. من خلال الإجابة على هذه الأسئلة، ستتمكن من تحسين قدرتك على تكوين جمل
صحيحة والتعبير بدقة ووضوح. بعد الانتهاء، يمكنك مراجعة الإجابات النموذجية
الموجودة في نهاية الصفحة للتحقق من مدى صحة إجاباتك وتحديد النقاط التي تحتاج إلى
تحسين. نتمنى لك تجربة تعليمية مثمرة وممتعة!
أسئلة عن Subject Pronouns و Object Pronouns:
1. ___ am going to the store.
a) Me b) I c) He d) She
2. Can you help ___ with my homework?
I b) he c) me d) she
3. ___ are going to the park this afternoon.
a) Us b) They c) Them d) Me
4. She is talking to ___.
I b) him c) we d) he
5. ___ is my best friend.
a) Me b) Him c) He d) Us
6. The teacher gave ___ a book to read.
a) he b) her c) she d) they
7. ___ are planning a trip to Europe.
a) We b) Us c) Them d) Him
8. The gift is for ___.
a) I b) we c) me d) he
9. ___ is going to the meeting.
Them b) Me c) She d) Us
10. The manager asked ___ to stay late.
a) they b) us c) we d) I
11. ___ finished the project early.
a) They b) Them c) Us d) Him
12. Please call ___ when you arrive.
a) she b) we c) her d) us
13. ___ is playing soccer in the yard.
a) He b) Him c) Me d) Us
14. The coach congratulated ___ on the win.
a) they b) I c) us d) we
15. ___ have been waiting for an hour.
a) Them b) He c) She d) We
16. Can you pass ___ the salt?
me b) I c) she d) we
17. ___ is cooking dinner tonight.
a) Us b) Her c) Me d) She
18. The movie surprised ___.
a) they b) we c) him d) she
19. ___ need to finish our work.
a) Me b) We c) Us d) Her
20. She met ___ at the coffee shop.
a) they b) we c) him d) he
21. ___ are going to the beach tomorrow.
a) They b) Them c) We d) Me
22. The letter is for ___.
a) I b) him c) he d) they
23. ___ are studying for the exam.
a) Me b) Her c) Us d) They
24. Can you join ___ for dinner?
we b) us c) I d) she
25. ___ is coming to the party.
a) Them b) He c) Him d) Me
26. The teacher praised ___ for their hard work.
a) they b) we c) them d) he
27. ___ need to leave soon.
a) He b) Us c) We d) Them
28. The prize was given to ___.
a) her b) she c) he d) they
29. ___ loves to read books.
a) Me b) Her c) Him d) She
30. Can you help ___ with this problem?
us b) we c) I d) she
- 1| B
- 2| C
- 3| B
- 4| B
- 5| C
- 6| B
- 7| A
- 8| C
- 9| C
- 10| B
- 11| A
- 12| C
- 13| A
- 14| C
- 15| D
- 16| A
- 17| D
- 18| C
- 19| B
- 20| C
- 21| A
- 22| B
- 23| D
- 24| B
- 25| B
- 26| C
- 27| C
- 28| A
- 29| D
- 30| A